Friday, January 29, 2010

The beginning of my challenge

I am an American woman, and American women love to shop. Just about everyone I know rich and poor go to Walmart. I looked around my house and EVERYTHING except for my books and crossword puzzle was made in CHINA or somewhere else. Even the things I buy online are made in China or some other place. It dawned on me why American's are out of work. I mean it makes sense that if you are buying things that are made somewhere else, then we are keeping our fellow Americans from jobs and businesses. I've decided to embark on one of the greatest shopping challenges I've ever taken up. I'm shopping strictly American. If it's not made in the U.S.A. I'm not going to purchase it. I'm going to shoot for this for at least one year. I will report to you all the quality and "stuff" I get and where.

Friends have asked me on facebook, "it's going to be a very difficult task." You may not make it. Someone else said, where do you think your computer came from? (Actually I had my computer made in 'Bigfork, by the PC fitness guys, the parts were probably from China tho).
Are you willing to go naked with no clothes? because even if I make my own clothes, the fabric may come from China or Turkey or something. Think about your underwear made in china? I'm wondering if I'll even be able to buy an American bra, but by golly I know someone, somewhere in this great country of ours is sitting and making BRAS there has to be!

Thank God for the internet, if it wasn't for online shopping I don't think I could accomplish this mission. Wish me luck. I need to buy a bridal shower gift. If anyone has any ideas for a bridal gift let me know. That should be a "simple" thing, don't you think?

stay tuned, I'll let you know.


  1. THANK YOU for making this blog!! I just decided to put my energy into buying American products (even though I'm aware I may not be 100% successful..). I think this effort should not be done in solitude (that's the point, right?), and I'm definitely forwarding this blog on to others!!

  2. Thank you so much, and any one who Buy from USA and Ship to India, UK, Hong Kong via PPOBOX.
